Groovy & Stinky Fest 2022
Dvoudenní festival extrémní muziky v jednom z nejstarších klubů v Praze / Indoor festival of extreme music in the one of the oldest club in Prague. Groovy & Stinky Fest
16 kapel ve dvou dnech / 16 bands in two days
První potvrzené kapely / First confirmed bands
* Haemorrhage ( Spain ) - Gore grind
* Benighted ( France ) - Death grind
* ANALEPSY ( Portugal ) - Slam
* Gutalax ( Czech Rep. ) - Gore grind
* Acranius ( Germany ) - Slam
* SPASM ( Czech Rep. ) - Gore grind
* Gutrectomy ( Germany ) - Slam
* Isacaarum ( Czech Rep. ) - Black grind
* PaRtY-CaNnOn ( Scotland ) - Brutal death
* Carnal Diafragma ( Czech Rep. ) - Gore grind
* Nuclear Vomit ( Poland ) - Gore grind
* Perfecitizen ( Czech Rep. ) - Death grind
* MINCING FURY and G.C.o.Q.D. ( Czech Rep. ) - Death grind
* Murder Rape Amputate ( Czech Rep. ) - Gore grind
* Prolapsed ( Czech Rep. ) - Death grind
* We All Gonna Die ( Czech Rep. ) - Deathcore
předprodej / presale
Info :
Více informací již brzy, sleduj událost a stránku festivalu.
More info very soon. Follow this event and a festival page.
Grind & Death & Gore & Slam / Beer & Friends & Dance & Peace