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30.4.2020 19:30 až 23:00 v Underdogs

Protože Prod presents:

SLIFT in Underdogs' - 30/04/2020

When we think about Slift, we do think of planets, space exploration, fuzzy guitars, and hypnotic rhythms. They are inspired by krautrock, psychedelic garage rock, and space rock, and produce a great and energetic show with futuristic and frenetic sounds. They were this year in Transmusicales, with KEXP around..
A Czech tour will be done, with gig in Plzen (Pod Lampou), Prague (Underdogs).

They launched their second album UMMON, on 28th of Fevruary (Vicious Circle Records & Stolen Body Records).
Listen here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZnA9UzGGdA

Ticket: shorturl.at/qFXY4
Pre-sale: 250 CZK + com

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